Throughout the pandemic, my three friends and I have picked up a new hobby that we have excelled at, mountain biking. Biking has become a weekly activity that we partake in for our enjoyment and exercise. With our progression and skill level increasing at a rapid pace, we challenged ourselves by increasing our trail level intake.

Armed with technology know-how, we took it upon ourselves to create a multimedia platform about our passion for hitting the trails. The videos consist of mostly biking and some other outdoor activities. Along the way of our progression, we’ve been inspired by other local rides who also have multimedia channels. Dale Stone, Jordan Boostmaster, BCPov are just a few of the local riders who have inspired us to keep up with our journey.
Personally, I had the chance of a lifetime to ride with the local legend Dale Stone. This has boosted me to keep improving my riding style and technique. Riding with Dale has helped me pick up new strategies, alongside a new approach on features that I looked over when I first started riding. Biking has definitely helped me become more athletic and more enthused about biking on a daily basis.
Watching other professional riders share their tips and tricks on social media platforms such as YouTube, has definitely furthered our group’s skill and technique. After watching different knowledgeable YouTubers, I forward the knowledge to my friends to better their skill level. This summer our group is planning to checkout new places to ride and make more exciting videos for our online platforms that we use to share our progression on.
Currently we have been riding Burke Mountain, Eagle Mountain, Bert Flinn and Thornhill. We have familiarized ourselves with the surrounding trails but are checking out new locations with bigger features. We are hoping to ride at Woodlot, Mount Seymour and Cypress in the coming summer months. I can’t wait to explore new places to ride with my friends and grow my skills even further.
Biking has been a hobby that I had overlooked for many years, but in the last year it has become a passion!