The school has many diverse clubs, from Dungeons and Dragons club, to Flying club. But one club that goes often overlooked, is Tech team. Run by Mr. Bryan Gee, Tech team is a group of academically excelling students, who have a passion for technology. The Tech team club has many great projects coming up. Members gain many skills everyday from working together make the school a better place.

Tech team students are normally in charge of the grade 9 Tech Bootcamp at the beginning of every school year, they also assist teachers in teaching new students about Edublogs, their Outlook Office accounts, and many more technological skills that would be beneficial to students and their futures at Riverside. Tech team also runs the grade eight tech preview day in February, where parents and future Riverside students can come in and get all the information they need to know about Riverside’s technological program, and which electronic devices is best for them to purchase.

The Tech team also has a few projects they are working on to make the school a brighter, more technologically efficient place. These projects include streaming projects, video projects, social media projects, and a Wall of Pride project to showcase Riverside staff, students, and alumni who are going above and beyond, according to Tech team teacher, Mr. Gee. “I think Tech team is important because we give students a voice as we move forward with innovation and technology. If it’s adult driven, we will lose sight of what kids need, and of what motivates and inspires students, and having a student voice is very important. When an opportunity comes, I think its very important for students to learn how to be able to support and communicate; it’s not just about technology, it’s a personal face to face relationship piece with this class, and Tech team can teach students that skill,” said Mr. Gee.

Jonathan Szto is a grade 11 student in the Tech team club. “I think there is lots of leadership opportunities in Tech team that aren’t available at any other school, as Riverside is a digital school and that’s something that’s unique to just us. I also think Tech team really provides valuable feedback for students, it gives students a voice in their own school, and it represents how we want to see the future of our school and how we want to see our school develop,” said Szto.

Riverside alumni, Tyler Cristiano, has been actively using skills gained from Tech team, even after high school. Having graduated with the class of 2018, he is now doing a sound technician program at university.

Although Tech team is not one of the most renowned clubs in the school, the Tech team students work hard every day to make Riverside a better place surrounding technology, and to always advance Riverside as the first fully technological school in our school district.