Tag: drama
Riverside’s first audience since COVID is on the horizon with this...
Riverside’s Drama teacher, Nicole Roberge’s musical theatre class has performed at another annual MET Fest Competition in front of their first live audience since COVID began. This competition took place November 25, 2021 at Riverside’s Rivers...
Drama department’s Miscast and Missing You: A lively live-stream Cabaret
On December 16, the grade 10 and 11 musical theatre class live-streamed a performance into the community. Ms. Nicole Roberge and her drama students...
Newsies – a history of the musical production
The musical Newsies is based on the 1992 film with the same name, starring Christian Bale (at the beginning of his career) and Robert...
Alexander Hamilton: Founding Father, Teenage Idol
There was once a time when teenagers couldn’t care less about revolution-era United States and the building up of the American government. That time...
Riverside Secondary hosts 26th annual Met Fest
Met Fest is an annual contest throughout the school district for drama ten and eleven students. Every year, schools from all over the district...
Riverside gets into the ‘Rock And Roll’ Spirit
The Riverside musical and theatre group will be performing a new musical that will open on February 22, 2017. Rock of Ages is truly...
Riverside’s drama department welcomes an Artist in Residence to work with...
This year, the Riverside drama department is hosting an artist from the Artists in Residence program. Artists in Residence is a program from Arts...