Riverside’s girls’ volleyball teams are starting off the season with a lot of hard work and perseverance. The training started in mid-September and the teams have already competed in tournaments, play-days and league games.
This year, Riverside has a grade nine, junior and senior volleyball team.
The grade nine team is a mix of experienced volleyball players and some that are new to the competitive sport. “The level of athleticism is very high and the desire to learn and work hard at each and every practice is excellent,” said the grade nine volleyball coach, Bryan Gee.
“We are kind of like a family,” said a power hitter on the grade nine team, Tiana Brennan.
This year, Mr. Gee entered his team into junior tournaments where they will compete against teams where the girls are one to two years older. “I wanted to provide an opportunity for the girls to be challenged,” said Gee. “Because I knew that the core of the team had a large amount of club volleyball experience.”
Gee said that he believes that this grade nine team is equivalent to almost any other junior in the district. The grade nines placed 6 in their first junior tournament.
The junior team has been succeeding in their junior division by starting the season by winning their first tournament. “It is a very special group of kids that all are working very hard and demonstrating some excellent playing throughout the season so far,” said the junior girls volleyball coach, Jordan Thies.
This year, the junior team has a very large percentage of club volleyball players who play the sport outside of school.
Grade nine league games will be held every Thursday and junior league games will be held every Mondays and Wednesdays.
photo courtesy of Rapid Event