On December 13th, Riverside Secondary hosted the “Spirit Week” assembly, where students showed their school spirit by participating in games and challenges.
It was a great week to be a student at Riverside Secondary, as hopefully it will promote school spirit and get students ready for the Christmas holidays. “It helps bring everyone together to have fun and work towards a bigger objective. It is a tradition here and is part of the school culture,” said Ms. Chapell, CLE teacher at Riverside Secondary.
Upon entering the school what was first seen was large posters hung up in the hallways and each poster had a different task for each individual to complete on each day. For example, on Monday students were asked to participate in pajama day. This got students excited about the Christmas holidays, said John Balladolid a student at Riverside.
”Spirit Week,” is an event that happens twice a year, usually the week before the Christmas break and the week before Spring break. Spirit Week helps to celebrate Christmas cheer and prepares students for the holidays. Three years ago Spirit Week and the assembly was cancelled in the second semester due to an unapparent reason.
Preparing for Spirit Week is no easy task that can be accomplished by one individual according to Ms. Chapell. “This is something I do on my own with my Leadership class. There are people that help on the assembly day like the PE teachers who allow us to use their space, Mr. Hyde who does the assembly call-down, and the teachers/students who participate in our activities that help. Mr. Colombo and Ms. Roberge have helped us with the tech and performance elements in the past,” said Chapell.