Chiropractors discuss injuries with students.

As everyone knows hockey is a brutal and physical sport where anything can happen. From a wrong turn or step, a player can be brutally hit or crash into the boards, which can cause career ending injuries. Every year the NHL implements new concussion rules, and every high school team and lower league follow. The new rules and concussion protocol says any touch of the head or slow movement after getting hit, players must be removed and evaluated for concussion like symptoms before going back on the ice or even home. A concussion that isn’t treated or monitored can lead to serious brain damage and possible death.

As Riverside’s hockey season is in full swing, Mr. Jeremy Neufeld has fully committed to the protection and safety of his players. As concussions are in the spotlight and awareness for protection of the head, Mr. Neufeld invited Dr. Aaron Binstock and Dr. Roberto Canil from Strive Health and Performance to present to the team. They are trained chiropractors and trained in concussion management. They were invited to the school to inform and test the players about concussions and their own cognitive ability (normal ability to function read, walk a straight line, and other normal tests).

Player safety is a number one priority, and Dr. Binstock and Dr. Canil have spent years learning and understanding injuries to the head and concussions. With yearly presentations for teams, the two have spent time teaching and informing not only the players, but coaches on what to do with head injuries and when it’s time to see a professional doctor.

With some players on the team looking for scholarship opportunities to schools after graduation, their safety is top priority and the players found great use in this presentation. “The team really enjoyed listening and learning a lot from Dr. Binstock and Dr. Canil, and it’s always a good reminder for staff and teammates to keep the players safe and informed about the dangers of head injuries,” said Neufeld. When teammates bond and learn about the dangers and risks they take when they continue to play, it’s a great moment. “We all really learned a lot and I felt that this yearly reminder is great and keeps us all up to date about the risks and dangers,” said grade 12 student, Evan Greentree. With the players constantly training and working on their skills, having these yearly information sessions allows for the proper recovery times for a lot of the players who have sustained concussions on the team.