Mindfulness Wednesdays is a project that Riverside Counselor Mr. Jamal Ahmelich and the rest of the counselling team have started to improve not only their own healthy living style, but that of students as well. The goal of Ahmelich and staff is to not only promote a healthy life style, but to help students during the stressful times of being a high schooler.
There are different events every week and different types of challenges, such as drinking a healthy green smoothie or drinking the recommended amount of water, instead of other sugary drinks. These are just a few of the different challenges that have happened at Riverside Secondary School. “Research shows that mental well-being is important for success, so the counseling department is trying to plan activities every Wednesday throughout the year to promote wellness,” said Ahmelich.
A special event that that Ahmelich and staff put on the morning of Wednesday, October 19 was yoga. Ahmelich hosted an open yoga session for all students and staff. It was a two dollar drop in fee and five dollars for staff. “To be able to relax and have fun with other students and staff in our school is an opportunity to connect with not only yourself, but others who are a part of your life every day,” said Ahmelich. “15 staff and 25 students were there relaxing and enjoying their time and it was an amazing and successful event and we hope to have more,” said Riverside counselor Ms. Kasey Chittenden. Yoga can help improve memory and cognitive functioning, and helps relieve stress.
Other examples people can practice to promote mindfulness are breathing exercises, gratitude activities, and finding three things in your day that made you happy while at Riverside, and posting it online using a hashtag of your choice (#Mindfulness). “The counselling team are hosting a great opportunity for students and staff to have fun and start living a happier and healthier lifestyle,” said Riverside grade 11 student Aly Pylypchuk.