25-year-old poet, Rupi Kaur has been taking the world (the internet) by storm by penning beautiful, captivating words. Born in Punjab, India, but raised in Toronto, Ontario, Kaur began her poetry career on the internet.  Posting each poem on her Instagram lead to her poems going viral. Her first book, “Milk & Honey,” was self-published in 2014.  And recently her second book, “The Sun and Her Flowers” was published.  Both of her books, however, explore the topics of womanhood, violence, loss, femininity, abuse and love.

Rupi Kaur has gained lots of popularity for writing on topics that women, young and old, can relate to.  Since she debuted on social media, she has encouraged teenage poets to do the same: sharing poetry to create a bond with people on the internet.  Each one of her short poems, which are accompanied by drawings of hers, add a visual touch to what she writes.  According to Toronto Star, “The line drawings that accompany her poems are raw, evocative and utterly striking.”

Milk & Honey is separated into four parts representing a different purpose: “The Hurting,” “The Loving,” “The Breaking,” “The Healing.” Each part is completely honest, and from the heart of Kaur.  She writes about dark experiences that have occurred in her life, including domestic, violence, and rape.

Rupi Kaur is giving a new life to poetry for this generation.  That’s what’s making her books best-sellers and “must-reads.” Kaur’s poems are short and not very difficult to interpret, which makes it an even better read for people that aren’t considered “poetry experts.”

Whether male or female, young or old, poet or not, everyone should give Rupi Kaur’s poetry a try.  Whether from her Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/rupikaur_/) or from her books.  Because she touches on many different topics, there is most likely at least one thing that is relatable to someone.