The Outdoor Education program is a way to get Riverside Secondary students to be active and learn about the environment while making connections with other students. It will take place in the second semester of the 2021/22 school year.
It is a program that anyone from Riverside Secondary in grade 10 can participate in, as long as they have a love for the wilderness and want to make new memories for years to come.
The program pushes the students to go out of their comfort zone of their abilities and make them try new things and take risks. The program is run by Ms. Alaina Brandsma and Ms. Erika McArthur; both have a passion for the environment and staying active.
Students will do a variety of different activities in Outdoor Education, for example, snowshoeing, swimming, canoeing and hiking. The program also helps students develop skills that are important for developing maturity, being independent, and having confidence in a group. The students bond over activities and experiences while working together as a team and developing new strategies. It is a useful skill to know how to collaborate with others, which prepares students for their future jobs and careers.
The program has been in existence for four consecutive years and has created several memories for students and teachers. The Outdoor Education program starts in the second semester, which is the beginning of February and goes until the end of the year.
This time frame provides the class the most consistent weather for outdoor activity. Being an outdoor program there are activities and trips that go rain or shine, so the experiences are always different and the students need know how to adjust and make the best of their experience.
“It is an amazing opportunity and will continue at Riverside Secondary for years to come,” said Mrs. Brandsma.