Students held a cooking competition at Riverside Secondary recently. Cary Brett, the Foods 12 teacher at Riverside Secondary organized the competition.

On November 26, 2021, the Foods 12 class held a cooking competition, which was a success. The group winners of the event were Nicole Philips, Jaegu Kang, Rahma Lossing, and Jaclyn Phelan. Philips mentioned she has some previous cooking experience, which may have given them an edge. “I do a lot of cooking and baking at home; I’ve also taken foods 10,” said Phillips. 

The students had a week to prepare; they started on a Monday and had to present on the following Friday. They started by choosing a general idea of what they wanted to make, and then they had to provide three different recipes, but only had to make one for the judges, which was a panel of volunteer teachers.  

Brett has stated that he’s had help with the whole idea of a Food Truck competition from Riverside Librarian, Susan Henderson. 

“I think I started with the idea the very first semester I got here, and Henderson and I cooked up the whole project,” said Brett. Henderson’s role in the project was to help come up with the ideas and the assessment.  

Brett’s long-term goal with the project is quite ambitious and needs quite a few details worked out before it can happen. He wants to have a competition that involves people from the community. “What we have envisioned is we would pick the winning dish, invite a whole bunch of other food trucks from around town and have a little festival in the parking lot,” said Brett.  

Brett elaborated on the power of community involvement with the school. “The ideal goal is to involve the community and to reach a broader audience, to celebrate the things that our students in our school community do and create.” 

This semesters competition was a success, and Riverside looks forward to a possible Food Truck Festival.