During spring break 2019, students will have the opportunity to travel to Italy and Greece and explore the unique culture of Europe. This trip will include many sight-seeing adventures, such as the Colosseum in Rome, St. Peters Basilica in Vatican City, Pompeii, the Parthenon in Athens, Knossos Palace in Crete, and more. By participating in the trip, students will experience first-hand the history and culture of Italy and Greece.

Riverside teacher, Ms. Claudia Durand, initially proposed the idea for the trip as she has always wanted to share Italy’s culture, food, and music to students. “Ever since I first started teaching Italian at the school, I’ve wanted the students to have the opportunity to travel the world and learn more about Italy’s history and culture,” said Durand.

Ever since I first started teaching Italian at the school, I’ve wanted the students to have the opportunity to travel the world and learn more about Italy’s history and culture
Ms. Claudia Durand

Through the trip, she hopes that the students gain an appreciation for traveling, whether it’s through meeting new people or learning new life lessons. “I really hope to instill in them the love of travel and exploring new places,” said Durand. She also wishes that the students gain confidence in traveling independently and learn many new skills for future traveling experiences.

Riverside grade 12 student, Felicia Poelzer, is looking forward to having the opportunity to explore her Italian family heritage. “I’m Italian myself, and I can’t wait to see where my family is from,” said Poelzer. She also hopes to learn more about herself through traveling and develop new skills from this experience.

Another Riverside grade 12 student, Teagan Ewart, said that she is really looking forward to improving her Italian on the trip. “I took Italian last year and am taking it again this year, so I hope that I can be able to speak it when I’m there,” said Ewart. She also hopes to get to know her friends better and learn more about Italy and Greece’s culture. “I think it’s going to be a great experience,” said Ewart.

Although the students attending the Italy and Greece trip have already been chosen, there will be another trip to Italy, Spain, and France in 2021.  This trip will include exploring tourist attractions in cities, such as Rome, Pompeii, Florence, Venice, Bologna, Cinq Terre, Monaco, the French Riviera and Barcelona. All students interested in this trip will have the opportunity to apply after spring break 2019.

Photo courtesy: https://binged.it/2DGkBpu