Ms. Glenda Ottens’ Music Fusion class will be hosting a final concert for this semester that is entirely student run. It will be held on January 18 at River’s Edge Theatre.
The music in this concert is varied and will cover many music genres such as country, rock, and pop. A few students have composed original songs and they will be performing them on Sunday as well. The songs featured in this concert are “Starlight,” “Wicked Game,” “Burning,” “Desperado,” “Ain’t no Mountain,” and “Church Bells.” One song performed at the Christmas Concert of 2017 called “Feelin’ Good” will be re-visited. That will be followed by the students’ original compositions. After, they will be performing the songs “Money,” “Layla,” “You and I,” “Cut My Hair,” “Little Lion Man,” “Slow it Down,” “Everlong,” and “Old Time.” On Thursday, Riverside’s music students will show what they learned, and perform their best.
The music students have designed the posters that are posted around the school and all the songs that are going to be performed were chosen by them. Food and drinks will be available before and after the performances.
Admission is five dollars and the concert will start at seven o’clock in the evening.