Your alarm goes off at the crack of dawn, you wake up, you get ready and go to school. Your class starts at 7:36! Don’t be late!
There are good reasons to take an early morning X block class, such as, preparation for the real world where most jobs begin early, and by taking a X block you get a free block in the day to do homework or whatever you want!
You may be wondering, Why take an X block class? Because it can help you in your day. According to grade 11 student Daeven Pillay, X block is “a good way to get up in the morning; it wakes you up faster.” You may be thinking, ‘Why wake up earlier?’ According to grade 11 student Julian Mantel X block “can change the way you think generally because people who get up early get a different mindset than people who sleep in, so it helps your life in a good way.”
Riverside PE and Math teacher Jordan Thies believes there are many benefits to rising early. “It forces you to get up and get on with you day. I think it’s easy to lay around and be lazy. Most people, especially in the winter months, would rather lay in bed but often when people lay in bed, they don’t do anything, and the rest of their day is a write-off, so you might as well get up and get active.” By getting up early, you can get more done in your day. You will get to school earlier than others, get a free block to do your homework, or go get something to eat from outside the school. For others who may have their free block at the end of the day, they get to go home early from school.
“It forces you to get up and get on with you day. I think it’s easy to lay around and be lazy. Most people, especially in the winter months, would rather lay in bed but often when people lay in bed, they don’t do anything, and the rest of their day is a write-off, so you might as well get up and get active.” Jordan Thies
X block can help you as a student in many ways; you can do your homework at school and not stress about it at home where there may be more distractions. Another way it can help is if you don’t know what to take next year you can listen in on a class and see if it’s for you. Some teachers may let you sit in the class to see what it is like.
To the people who do not like getting up early, get your butt out of bed and give it a try and start your day earlier.