Fashion Design 11/12 is a class that can help students bring their fashion visions to life, and improve their fashion design skills. It is a class that cannot only teach students the skills of designing and creating, but it can also help students with expressing themselves.
The Fashion Design class went on a field trip on September 22, 2016 that has helped them get a strong, creative start to the year, and helped start their minds on the topic of fashion for the semester. The trips main goal was to encourage the students to “learn to just go wild, just try it, go big with your designs and don’t just stay safe and do small simple things,” said Fashion Design teacher Jacquelyn Collins.
The class visited downtown Vancouver during Fashion Week and watched a Vancouver Community College’s graduate fashion show. The show helped the students realize what they would have the opportunity to do if they decide to pursue fashion design, and to give them some fashion inspiration.
This field trip didn’t only help get the minds of fashion design students going, it also helped show them that “it’s not just about doing a few projects at a high school, that the whole field of design is huge,” said Collins.
The students in the class also felt as if they learned a lot and benefited from this field trip, and they believe it was a good start to the year to get their minds going and focused on the course. “It was easy to do, and they got to see a pretty cool piece of Vancouver,” said Collins.
Overall, the class felt the field trip was such a success and that they will be doing it again in future years, and future semesters to help students get the same learning experience as the students this semester did, “I had a wonderful experience at Vancouver Fashion Week. They had exquisite and ingenious ideas and eye catching designs,” Said Fashion Design student Princess Estanislao.