On December 12, 85 EAL students from Ms. Soni Joon, Ms. Fiona Gachallen, and Mrs. Sharon Lotter’s EAL classes took a trip to Downtown Vancouver, where they attended Fly Over Canada and went to the Vancouver Christmas market. These students are all new to Canada, and each have a different range of learning abilities in English.

“We wanted to arrange a field trip where they got an opportunity to experience Canadian culture and learn more about Canada,” said Ms. Joon. The teachers hoped that students could learn more about Canada, and Vancouver’s Christmas traditions, through a fun event Downtown.

Overall, the field trip went well, and the students had a great time. The classes headed over to Fly Over Canada first. The students enjoyed the holiday feature Fly Over Canada offered.  Later, they went to the Vancouver Christmas market, where they got to try German treats. In both places tons of photos were taken, and the weather was great. “We had a wonderful time, the students were amazed by the whole experience,” said Ms. Gachallan.

Grade 10 student, Khalil Alhariri described the field trip as a very enjoyable experience. “My favorite part about the trip was going to places around downtown,” said Khalil.

Fernada Gabricho also had a great time on the field trip.  “The trip was very fun; I loved going to Fly Over Canada. It was interesting to learn more about Canada. I met a lot of new friends as well!” said Fernanda.