The Eddy is a publication of the news for the Riverside Secondary community. It has been the independent voice of the students since 1996. Our hard-working group of writers comes from the student body in grades 9 – 12. We work in unison to create a functioning online digital newspaper on a variety of events. Our goal is to be a unique source of content created by and for students; to strive to maintain journalistic styles and standards that conform to those of the Canadian Press; to provide students with information about Riverside and its culture, and make connections between our school and the larger world; to provide a place for students to share their thoughts and opinions in a formal way; and to learn about the power of the medium and the role and responsibilities of journalists in society.
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About the Eddy

Our mandate
Fair Use
The Eddy occasionally uses book covers, album covers, movie posters and other copyrighted works for the purposes of criticism, comment and news reporting. In accordance with the doctrine of ‘fair use,’ codified in Section 107 (Title 17, U.S. Code), and here, these images are used for non-profit educational purposes and are not intended to affect the potential market for, or value of, the copyrighted work. If you are the owner of the copyright of a work used in The Eddy and would like it removed, please email the Eddy at .
The Eddy welcomes letters to the editor. Letters, however transmitted, must be signed and free of libel. Additional articles, writing, and/or opinion pieces are accepted, and will be published as space allows. The Eddy reserves the right to edit all submitted material for brevity and style. Email your ideas to The Eddy would also like to encourage students to contribute images of events and people from our community. Snap a photo with Instagram at an assembly, a Basketball game or working on a cool assignment, anything that reveals the positive culture at Riverside and tweet it to us @riversideeddy Each week a winner will be chosen and included in a monthly draw for great prizes! (only appropriate photos please) Advertisers may reach the Eddy at or by contacting Riverside otherwise.
the Eddy Staff
New Media 11 Contributors
Claire Bernat, Nick Blain, Hannah Boyd, Travis Buck, Caleb Chong, Marvin Concepcion, Sophia Dato, Kaleb de Boer, Dana Dela Cruz, Jordan Duggan, William Fenyo, Radmir Garipov, Sofiia Gunko, Zefrione Jarjoura, Josh Lee, Ali Mahdi, Sarah Makhani, Aftab Molla-Nejad, Brendan Pellant, Dasha Ratkevich, Lenny Shpolanski, Dalton Town-Paquette, Caio Vargas Fenili, Chelsey Whitmore, Melissa Wren, Maile Yamaguchi, James Zacharias
Teacher Advisors
Ms. Kathy Shong, Mr. Brian Barazzuol